Using the System Setup Program 53
In the Setup Program, open the System Security Screen and verify that the
Password Status
is set to
System Password
and press <Enter>. Enter a new password for
both "Enter Password" and "Confirm Password."
Verify the
System Password
is still set to
Press <ESC> to exit Setup and continue or press <Alt><b> to
immediately save and reboot.
Using the Setup Password
Assigning a Setup Password
You can assign (or change) a setup password only when the Setup Password
option is set to Not Enabled. To assign a setup password, highlight the Setup
Password option and press the <+>,<–>, or <Enter> key. The system
prompts you to enter and verify the password.
NOTE: The setup password can be the same as the system password. If the two
passwords are different, the setup password can be used as an alternate system
password. However, the system password cannot be used in place of the setup
You can use up to 32 characters in your password.
As you press each character key (or the spacebar for a blank space), a
placeholder appears in the field.
The password assignment is not case-sensitive. Uppercase letters, lowercase
letters, numbers and special ASCII characters `~!@#$%^&*()_-+=
[{}]\|;:’”,<.>/? are all valid for password use.
NOTE: Numbers and symbols typed from the keypad are different from numbers
and symbols typed from along the top of the keyboard.
To erase a character when entering your password, press <Backspace> or the
left-arrow key.
After you verify the password, the Setup Password setting changes to Enabled.
The next time you enter the System Setup program, the system prompts you
for the setup password.
A change to the Setup Password option becomes effective immediately
(restarting the system is not required).