7: Services
SLC™ 8000 Advanced Console Manager User Guide 94
2. Enter the following fields:
3. Click the Apply button to save.
Admin Web Commands
The following CLI commands correspond to the wegb page entries described above.
To configure the timeout for web sessions:
admin web timeout <disable|5-120 minutes>
To configure the web server to use SSLv2 in addition to SSLv3 and TLSv1:
admin web protocol <sslv2|nosslv2>
To configure the strength of the cipher used by the web server
(high is 256 or 128 bit, medium is 128 bit, low is 64, 56 or 40 bit):
admin web cipher <himed|himedlow|fips>
Timeout Select No to disable Timeout.
Select Yes, minutes (5-120) to enable timeout.
Enter the number of minutes (must be between 30 and 120 minutes) after
which the SLC web session times out. The default is 5.
Note: If a session times out, refresh the browser page and login to a new web
Enable iGoogle Gadget
Web Content
Select the check box to enable an SLC iGoogle gadget. The iGoogle gadget
allows an iGoogle user to view the port status of many SLC units on one web
page. (See “iGoogle Gadgets” on page 98.)
Allow SSLv2 Protocol Click the checkbox to support SSLv2 protocol. By default, the web supports the
SSLv3/TLSv1 protocol. Changing this option requires a reboot for the change to
take effect.
Cipher By default, the web uses High/Medium security (128 bits or higher) for the cipher.
This option can be used to configure the web to also support Low security (less
than 128 bits) ciphers or FIPS approved ciphers (see Security.) Changing this
option requires a reboot for the change to take effect.
Group Access Specify one or more groups to allow access to the web manager user interface.
If undefined, any group can access the web. If one or more groups are specified
(groups are delimited by the characters ',' (comma) or ';' (semicolon)), then any
user who logs into the web must be a member of one of the specified groups,
otherwise access will be denied. Users authenticated via RADIUS may have a
group (or groups) provided by the RADIUS server via the Filter-Id attribute that
overrides the group defined for a user on the SLC. A group provided by a remote
server must be either a single group or multiple groups delimited by the
characters ',' (comma), ';' (semicolon), or '=' (equals) - for example
"group=group1,group2;" or "group1,group2,group3".
Banner Enter to replace default text displayed on the web manager home page after the
user logs in. May contain up to 1024 characters. Blank by default. To create
additional lines in the banner use the \n character sequence.
Web Sessions Click this link to view or terminate a web session. (See “Services - Web
Sessions” on page 95.)
SSL Certificate Click this link to view, import or reset the SSL Certificate. (See “Services - SSL
Certificate” on page 96.)