12: Maintenance
SLC™ 8000 Advanced Console Manager User Guide 230
Boot Banks
Load Firmware Via Options
Note: Prior to firmware update, the current configuration is saved to the Local Disk
location with the name "before_MMDDYY_HHMM".
Load Firmware via
From the drop-down list, select the method of loading the firmware. Options are
FTP, TFTP, HTTPS, NFS, USB, and SD Card. FTP is the default.
If you select HTTPS, the Upload File link becomes active. Select the link to
open a popup window that allows you to browse to a firmware update file to
If you select NFS, the mount directory must be specified.
The SD Card option must be selected if an SD card is to be used.
Note: Connections available depend on the model of the SLC unit.
Bank 1
Displays the version of SLC firmware in bank 1.
Note: The word "current" displays next to the bank from which the SLC
Bank 2
Displays the version of SLC firmware in bank 2.
Next Boot Bank
Displays the current setting for bank to boot from at next reboot.
Switch to Bank 2
If desired, select the alternate bank to boot from at next reboot.
Copy configuration
from Bank 1 to Bank 2
during firmware update
If checked, will copy the configuration from the current bank to the bank being
updated. The two numbers are automatically generated so that the first
number is the current bank.
Copy contents of
Bank 1 to Bank 2
If checked, enables you to copy the current boot bank to the alternate boot
bank. This process takes a few minutes to complete.
HTTPS Click Upload File to update the SLC firmware.
NFS Mounted Dir Select the NFS mounted directory from the drop-down menu.
USB Port Click to select USB port.
The IP address or host name of the server used for obtaining updates and saving
or restoring configurations. May have up to 64 alphanumeric characters; may
include hyphens and underscores.
Path The default path on the server for obtaining firmware update files and getting and
putting configuration save files.
Login The userid for accessing the FTP server. May be blank.
Password /
Retype Password
The FTP user password.