Lantronix SLC 8000 Video Gaming Accessories User Manual

12: Maintenance
SLC™ 8000 Advanced Console Manager User Guide 233
Note: When you use this command to shut down the SLC unit, the LCD front panel
displays "Shutting down the SLC," followed by a pause, and then "Shutdown complete."
When "Shutdown complete" displays, it is safe to power off the SLC 8000 advanced
console manager.
To list current hardware and firmware information:
admin version
To update SLC firmware to a new revision:
Note: The firmware file should be accessible via the settings displayed by admin ftp
show. The SLC 8000 advanced console manager automatically reboots after successful
admin firmware update <ftp|tftp|sftp|nfs|usb|sdcard> file <Firmware
File> key <Checksum Key> [nfsdir <NFS Mounted
Directory>][usbport <U1|U2>]
To list the current firmware revision:
admin firmware show [viewlog <enable|disable>]
Lists the current firmware revision and optionally displays the log containing details about
firmware updates.
To set the FTP/TFTP/SFTP server used for firmware updates and configuration save/
admin ftp server <IP Address or Hostname> [login <User Login>] [path
To view FTP settings:
admin ftp show
To set the FTP server password and prevent it from being echoed:
admin ftp password
To restore the SLC unit to factory default settings:
admin config factorydefaults [savesshkeys <enable|disable>] [savesslcert
<enable|disable>][savescripts<enable|disable>][preserveconfig <Config
Params to Preserve>]
<Config Params to Preserve> is a comma-separated list of current configuration
parameters to retain after the config restore or factorydefaults:
nt – Networking lu Local Users
sv – Services dp Device Ports
dt – Date/Time ub USB Port/SD Card