Block 5 - Reporting Digits Programming (cont.)
Report Code, Ground Fault
Cmd Loc 159 160
Default 0 0
Range 0 - 15 (All CL)
Report Code, Ground Fault Restoral
Cmd Loc 161 162
Default 0 0
Range 0 - 15 (All CL)
These two-digit report codes will be sent to indicate a ground fault condi-
tion or restoral report. When using single-digit reporting formats, only the
second digit will be sent.
The SpreadNet low battery and low battery restoral report codes are a
single-digit code. For two-digit reporting formats, the relative zone number
(1 - 8) is sent as the second digit. Program the specific Cmd Loc with 0 to
disable reporting. Disabling a Cmd Loc disables reporting for all zones
associated with that location.
Report Code, SN Supervisory Trouble Restoral
Zones: 1 - 8 9 - 16 17 - 24 25 - 32
Cmd Loc 147 148 149 150
Default 1 1 1 1
Range 0 - 15 0 - 15 0 - 15 0 - 15
Report Code, SN Transmitter Low Battery
Zones: 1 - 8 9 - 16 17 - 24 25 - 32
Cmd Loc 151 152 153 154
Default 1 1 1 1
Range 0 - 15 0 - 15 0 - 15 0 - 15
Report Code, SN Tx Low Battery Restoral
Zones: 1 - 8 9 - 16 17 - 24 25 - 32
Cmd Loc 155 156 157 158
Default 1 1 1 1
Range 0 - 15 0 - 15 0 - 15 0 - 15
Report Code, Installer Programming Complete
Cmd Loc 137 138
Default 0 1
Range 0 - 15 (All Locations)
Report Code, Bell Supervision Trouble
Cmd Loc 139 140
Default 0 0
Range 0 - 15 (All Locations)
Report Code, Bell Supervision Trouble Restoral
Cmd Loc 141 142
Default 0 0
Range 0 - 15 (All Locations)
The SpreadNet supervisory trouble and supervisory trouble restoral re-
port codes are single-digit codes. For two-digit reporting formats, the
relative zone number (1 - 8) is sent as the second digit. Program the
specific Cmd Loc with 0 to disable reporting. Disabling a Cmd Loc dis-
ables reporting for all zones associated with that location.
Report Code, SpreadNet Supervisory Trouble
Zones: 1 - 8 9 - 16 17 - 24 25 - 32
Cmd Loc 143 144 145 146
Default 1 1 1 1
Range 0 - 15 0 - 15 0 - 15 0 - 15
These two-digit report codes will be sent to indicate an external bell super-
vision trouble condition or a restoral report. When using single-digit report-
ing formats, only the second digit will be sent.
Report Code, Installer Programming Start
Cmd Loc 135 136
Default 0 0
Range 0 - 15 (All Locations)
Report Code, Secondary Phone Line Cut
Cmd Loc 131 132
Default 0 0
Range 0 - 15 (All Locations)
Report Code, Secondary Phone Line Restoral
Cmd Loc 133 134
Default 0 0
Range 0 - 15 (All Locations)
Report Code, Primary Phone Line Restoral
Cmd Loc 129 130
Default 0 0
Range 0 - 15 (All Locations)
This two-digit report code will be sent to indicate the start of installer pro-
gramming. Single-digit reporting formats will only send the second digit to
the central station.
These two-digit codes are sent when the system detects a primary or
secondary phone line cut, or their respective restorals. When using single-
digit reporting formats, only the second digit is sent.