NEC NDA-30122 Video Gaming Accessories User Manual

NDA-30122 Revision 1
Page 19
Attendant Console Statistics Operations Manual INSTALLATION & CONFIGURATION
The two Console Stats components must be initialized from the APM as follows:
StatLogger Component
Follow the steps below to initialize the StatLogger component:
Step 1:
On the APM System Operations Menu, select the Non-CRT
Application Control option.
Step 2:
Use the Initialize command to start up the StatLogger component.
StatPatroller Component
Follow the steps below to initialize the StatPatroller component:
Step 1:
On the APM System Administration Menu, select Control Options.
Step 2:
On the Application Selection screen, select StatPatroller.
Step 3:
On the Application Control Options screen, create a schedule for
StatPatroller to automatically initialize every midnight by making the
following entries:
Minute (0-59): 0
Hour of Day (0-23): 0
Day of Month (1-31): *
Month of Year (1-12): *
Day of Week (0-6): *
This completes all the application configuration.
Proceed to the next page to start-up the Console Stats application...