5.17.1 Secure Delivery . . ........................................ 5–14
5.17.2 Installation and Initialization Considerations ................... 5–14
5.18 Debugging Modes: Avoiding CPUSPINWAIT Bugchecks .............. 5–15
5.19 Delta/XDelta Debuggers ....................................... 5–15
5.19.1 XDELTA Register Display Consideration (Integrity servers Only) .... 5–15
5.20 File Applications: Corrections to Guide to OpenVMS File Applications
.......................................................... 5–16
5.21 HP BLISS Compiler Warnings with RMS Structures (Integrity servers
Only) ..................................................... 5–16
5.22 Potential Must-Be-Zero RMS Error: Making Room for New File Options
intheFAB................................................. 5–17
5.23 HP COBOL Run-Time Library (RTL) ............................ 5–18
5.23.1 Performance Improvement of COBOL CALL Statement ........... 5–18
5.24 HP Fortran for Integrity servers ................................ 5–18
5.25 HP MACRO for OpenVMS .................................... 5–19
5.25.1 Enhancements for the Macro-32 Compiler ...................... 5–19
5.25.2 HP MACRO for OpenVMS Integrity servers .................... 5–21
5.25.3 HP MACRO for OpenVMS Alpha Systems ...................... 5–22
5.25.4 /OPTIMIZE=VAXREGS Qualifier Not Supported on Integrity
servers . ................................................ 5–22
5.25.5 Floating Divide-by-Zero Error Not Raised (Integrity servers Only) . . . 5–22
5.26 Hypersort Utility ............................................ 5–23
5.26.1 Reporting a Problem to HP . ................................ 5–23
5.26.2 Large Files Restriction ..................................... 5–23
5.26.3 Hypersort and VFC Files Restriction . . . ....................... 5–23
5.26.4 /FORMAT=RECORD_SIZE Restriction . ....................... 5–23
5.26.5 Using Hypersort with Search Lists and Other Uses of Logical Names
....................................................... 5–24
5.26.6 Lack of Free Space for Work Files ............................ 5–24
5.26.7 Input Asterisk (*) Restriction ................................ 5–24
5.26.8 Optimal Working Set Extent and Page File Quota Settings . ....... 5–24
5.27 Intel Assembler (Integrity servers Only) . . . ....................... 5–24
5.28 Librarian Utility ............................................ 5–24
5.28.1 Linking Against Data-Reduced ELF Object Libraries Not
Recommended (Integrity servers Only) . ....................... 5–24
5.28.2 Failure to Insert or Replace .STB files in an Integrity servers Library
(Integrity servers Only) .................................... 5–25
5.28.3 Librarian Fails to Report Errors When Process Quota Too Low ..... 5–25
5.29 Linker Utility for OpenVMS Alpha .............................. 5–25
5.29.1 Linker Appears to Hang When Many Files Are Specified .......... 5–26
5.29.2 Change in Linker Default Behavior with Library Check . . . ....... 5–26
5.29.3 Limit of 25 Elements on Stack .............................. 5–26
5.30 Linker Utility for OpenVMS Integrity servers ...................... 5–27
5.30.1 Linker Writes Incorrect Interimage Debug Fixups into Debug Symbol
File .................................................... 5–27
5.30.2 /SELECTIVE_SEARCH Qualifier Might Incorrectly Ignore Transfer
Address ................................................ 5–27
5.30.3 Maximum Number of Sections ............................... 5–28
5.30.4 Incorrect Creation Date of Shareable Images in the Map File ....... 5–28
5.30.5 Demangler Information Look Up Results in Linker Access
Violation ................................................ 5–29
5.30.6 Incorrect Secondary Messages for the NOGLOSYM Error Message . . . 5–29
5.30.7 Incorrect Information for Undefined Symbols ................... 5–29
5.30.8 Incorrect UNMAPFIL Error . ................................ 5–29