
Hardware Release Notes
6.16 PowerStorm 300/350 PCI Graphics Support for OpenVMS
When you run a 3D graphics application and display output to a system with a
PowerStorm 350/300 graphics card, you must make sure the DECW$OPENGL_
PROTOCOL logical is dened as follows on the system on which you are running
the application:
Problem Fixed
Previously, the P350 would sometimes fail to reinitialize properly on session exit.
This problem has been xed by two modications:
A call to vmsCloseScreen has been added to the device-specic riCloseScreen
function (which is called, for example, at CDE session exit), causing the
channel to the GB device to be deassigned and allowing the driver to
reinitialize the board properly.
The pixel converter resynchronization algorithm in the device driver has been
greatly improved.
6.17 RFnn DSSI Disk Devices and Controller Memory Errors
A problem exists with the microcode for earlier versions of RF31T, RF31T+, RF35,
RF35+, RF73, and RF74 DSSI disk devices. The problem can cause data loss,
and occurs when reading data from one of these devices, if the device has had a
controller memory error (also known as an error detection and correction (EDC)
error). The error could have been induced by a virtual circuit closure or faulty
HP advises customers with any of these devices to check their microcode revision
levels. If the microcode revision levels are lower than the numbers shown in
Table 6–2, HP recommends that you update the microcode.
The microcode for all models, except RF31T, RF31T+, and RF35+, is provided on
the latest OpenVMS binary distribution CD.
The RF_VERS utility, a utility program that displays the microcode revision level
of the DSSI disk devices, is also provided on the CD. Instructions both for using
the utility program and for updating the microcode are provided in this section.
If you have an RF31T, RF31T+, or RF35+ disk drive with a version of
microcode that is not supported (see Table 6–2), and if you have a support
contract, contact your HP support representative. Otherwise, contact your
authorized reseller.
The earliest supportable revision levels of the DSSI disk microcode are shown in
Table 6–2.
6–16 Hardware Release Notes