Programming Release Notes
5.30 Linker Utility for OpenVMS Integrity servers
5.30.18 Removal of Linker Qualifiers /EXPORT_SYMBOL_VECTOR and
Creating a shareable image by simply exporting all global symbols does not work.
Previous Integrity servers Linker versions provide the /EXPORT_SYMBOL_
VECTOR and /PUBLISH_ GLOBAL_ SYMBOLS qualifiers to assist in creating
symbol vector options for all global symbols on a per-module basis. However,
using these qualifiers exports the same universal symbol from different images.
Because you cannot exclude exporting the same C++ template from different
images, this creates problems.
Both qualifiers are removed from the Version 8.3.
This problem will be fixed for the Integrity servers Linker in a future release of
OpenVMS for Integrity servers.
5.30.19 Support for Longer Symbol Names in Options
For options, the linker internal line buffer is increased to hold 2048 characters.
This allows specifying options with symbol names of the maximum supported
length of 1024 characters.
5.30.20 Better Use of Memory for Linker-Created Code Stubs
The Integrity servers linker generates code stubs, which are visible when stepping
through the code with the OpenVMS Debugger. Code can be inserted for calls and
can have different sizes. However, the earlier linker added the code as fixed-size
code sections using the maximum necessary code size.
The Version 8.3 linker writes the code stubs using the actual size. This eliminates
unused space between the stubs and might also release unused memory.
5.30.21 Compiler Support for Demangled Symbol Names
To make symbol names unique, name mangling is used for some programming
languages. Starting with Version 8.3, the linker tries to display the demangled
names, also known as source code names. These names are used in linker
messages and, on request, in a translation table for mangled global symbols
that appears in the linker map (see HP OpenVMS Version 8.3 New Features and
Documentation Overview). This feature depends on compiler support for name
Permanent Restriction
In releases prior to OpenVMS Version 6.1, LTDRIVER did not set the "extended
DDT" bit; therefore, the POSIX function CANCEL SELECTIVE did not work with
LTDRIVER. This problem has been corrected, but a restriction remains.
Although this fix allows $QIO reads and writes to be selectively canceled, any
$QIO done to the port driver (that is, with the IO$_TTY_PORT function modifier
— such as a LAT connect $QIO) cannot be canceled with CANCEL SELECTIVE.
5–32 Programming Release Notes