OpenVMS Software Installation and Upgrade Release Notes
1.7 OpenVMS Integrity server Users
The message means that the system cache (XFC) initialization has successfully
adjusted the SYSGEN parameters MPW_HILIM and FREEGOAL to allow
caching to be effective during the installation. You can continue with the
1.7.6 Booting from USB or vMedia Devices
The %SYSTEM-I-MOUNTVER messages and the Universal Serial Bus
Configuration Manager message are new to OpenVMS Version 8.4 and are
seen only when using USB or vMedia devices for booting the Integrity rx2660,
rx3600, and rx6600 servers.
1.7.7 HP DECwindows Motif Release Notes
The following DECwindows Motif release notes are of interest to OpenVMS
Integrity server users. Keyboard Support
The only model keyboard supported on HP DECwindows Motif for OpenVMS
Integrity servers is the LK463 (AB552A for Integrity servers) keyboard. Although
other types of keyboards may function in the OpenVMS Integrity servers
environment, HP does not currently support them.
1.8 OpenVMS Alpha Users
The following notes are primarily of interest to users of OpenVMS Alpha
1.8.1 Firmware for OpenVMS Alpha Version 8.4
OpenVMS Alpha Version 8.4 was tested with the platform-specific firmware
included on Alpha Systems Firmware CD Version 7.3. For older platforms no
longer included on the Firmware CD, OpenVMS Alpha Version 8.4 was tested
with the latest released firmware version. HP recommends upgrading to the
latest firmware before upgrading OpenVMS.
Read the firmware release notes before installing the firmware. For Version 7.3
and the latest firmware information, see:
1.8.2 Upgrade Paths
If you are running OpenVMS Alpha or Integrity servers Version E8.4, you
can upgrade directly to Version F8.4. If you are running other versions
of OpenVMS, you must first install Version E8.4 and you can upgrade to
Version F8.4.
You can upgrade directly to OpenVMS Alpha Version 8.4 from only the following
versions of OpenVMS Alpha.
For Alpha:
Version 7.3-2 to V8.4
Version 8.2 to V8.4
1–8 OpenVMS Software Installation and Upgrade Release Notes