
System Management Release Notes
4.5 Insight Dynamics - Virtual Server Environment for OpenVMS
Virtual Connect Enterprise Manager (VCEM)
Partition Manager
BladeSystem Integrated Manager
GiCAP Group Manager
Virtual Machines Manager
Insight Power Manager (IPM)
VSE troubleshooting for OpenVMS Managed Nodes - This refers to ’Check
VSE CMS to Managed Node Communication...’ and ’Check VSE Managed
Node Conguration...’ options under ’Diagnose’ menu -> ’Troubleshoot VSE
Congure VSE agents for OpenVMS - This refers to all options under the
’Congure’ menu -> ’Congure VSE agents...
VSE Agentless data collection - This refers to all options under the ’Congure’
menu -> ’Congure VSE Agentless agents...
Import of Capacity Advisor Data from OVPA and PMP - This refers to all
options under Optimize menu -> Capacity Advisor -> Import Capacity Advisor
4.6 Performance Enhancements
The following performance enhancements have been made to the OpenVMS
Version 8.4 release.
4.6.1 Enhancements to Write Bitmaps
Write Bitmaps (WBM) is a feature used by OpenVMS during minimerge and
minicopy operations of Shadowing minimerge and minicopy. Information, about
which blocks on a disk are written, is transmitted to other nodes within the
cluster. The following updates have been made in this release. WBM_MSG_INT Parameter Updates
The WBM_MSG_INT parameter indicates the time by which a SetBit message
can be delayed when it is in buffered mode. If the SetBit buffer does not ll with
SetBit messages by this time interval, then the message is sent. The parameter
is in milliseconds, however, the conversion factor used for this timer was off by
a factor of 10. Earlier, a WBM_MSG_INT value of 10 was resulting in a 100
millisecond delay when in buffered mode. This problem is corrected so that a
value of 10 now indicates only a 10 millisecond delay. WBM_MSG_UPPER and WBM_MSG_LOWER Parameter Updates
WBM_MSG_UPPER is the threshold used to determine if a switch should occur
to buffered message mode, when operating in single message mode. If WBM_
MSG_UPPER or more SetBit operations are done in a 100 millisecond window,
the messaging mode will be switched to buffered mode. The default value is 80.
4–8 System Management Release Notes