
Programming Release Notes
5.38 SORT32 Utility
5.38 SORT32 Utility
The following release notes pertain to SORT32 V08-010 for OpenVMS Alpha
and OpenVMS Integrity servers Version 8.2. For additional notes, refer to
Section 5.26.8 and Section 5.26.1.
SORT32 is recommended as a workaround for unresolved problems with
Hypersort and for functionality not implemented in Hypersort. Release notes for
Hypersort are in Section 5.26.
5.38.1 CONVERT Problem With DFS-Served Disks
SORT, MERGE, and CONVERT operations with output directed to a UNIX-
served, DFS-mounted disk return a %SORT-E-BAD_LRL error.
To work around this restriction, do one of the following:
Write the output le to an OpenVMS disk, and then copy the output le to
the UNIX-served, DFS-mounted disk.
Use the CONVERT/FDL command, where the FDL species the longest
record length (LRL) required for the output le.
5.38.2 Temporary Work Files Not Always Deleted
SORT32 does not always delete temporary work les. It’s a good idea to
periodically check SYS$SCRATCH or wherever you put SORT32 work les to
see whether any undeleted work les can be deleted to free up disk space.
5.38.3 SORT/SPECIFICATION With Compound Conditions: Requirement
SORT32 does not issue a diagnostic message for a compound condition in a key
specication le unless it is enclosed in parentheses. For example:
/CONDITION=(NAME=TEST1, TEST=(Field2 EQ "X") AND (Field3 EQ "A"))
/CONDITION=(NAME=TEST1, TEST=((Field2 EQ "X") AND (Field3 EQ "A")))
5.38.4 Performance Problem with Variable Length Records
SORT32 allocates xed-sized slots for sort work les based on the longest record
length (LRL) information in the input les. To improve performance, try to
set LRL information in the input les as close as possible to the actual longest
record length. Poor initial performance might be the result of sorting some les
produced by C programs, because the LRL is set higher than necessary (up to
5–40 Programming Release Notes