
System Management Release Notes
4.16 OpenVMS Cluster Systems
4.16.3 Mixed Platform Support
A supported production cluster containing an Integrity servers cannot
include a VAX system. VAX systems can be included in these clusters for
the purposes of development and migration with the understanding that any
problems arising from the existence of VAX systems in these clusters will
result in the need for either the VAX or Integrity servers to be removed. See
the OpenVMS Cluster Software SPD for more information.
Currently, only two architectures are allowed for supported production
environments in an OpenVMS Cluster system. Refer to the HP OpenVMS
Version 8.2 Upgrade and Installation Manual for a list of supported cluster
4.16.4 Satellite Systems using Port Allocation Class
Integrity server Satellite systems that use device naming (also known as port
allocation classes) require an additional step to operate correctly in this release.
On the satellite boot server node, edit the le device:
where device is the disk that contains the satellite’s root and where n is the root
of the satellite system) and add the following line to the le:
You can safely ignore the "Do Not Edit" comment at the top of the le in this
case. The list of les in SYS$MEMORYDISK.DAT is not order-dependent. This
problem is expected to be resolved for the nal release.
4.17 Mixed-version Cluster Compatibility of a Six-member
OpenVMS Version 8.4 supports "Extended Membership" volume shadowing
feature. This feature allows shadowsets to have more than three and up to
six-members. This feature is enabled when a fourth member is added to the
shadowset. Following are some of the important points in a mixed-version
OpenVMS cluster:
To use the "Extended Membership" shadowing feature, all the systems that
mount the shadowset must be running OpenVMS Version 8.4.
If you attempt to mount a shadowset on an OpenVMS Version 8.4 system
using "Extended Memberships" shadowing feature, the mount fails if the
shadowset is already mounted on systems with prior versions of OpenVMS in
the cluster.
If you attempt to mount a shadowset on a system that is not capable of
"Extended Memberships" shadowing feature on prior versions of OpenVMS,
the mount fails if shadowset is already mounted on an OpenVMS Version 8.4
system in the cluster using the "Extended Memberships" shadowing feature.
System Management Release Notes 4–17