
Hardware Release Notes
6.3 AlphaServer 2100
6.3.1 Console Display
On AlphaServer 2100 and 2100A systems, a console display similar to the
following is normal and does not represent system errors:
VMS PALcode X5.48-112, OSF PALcode X1.35-81
starting console on CPU 0
initialized idle PCB
initializing semaphores
initializing heap
initial heap 1c0c0
memory low limit = 132000
heap = 1c0c0, 13fc0
probing hose 0, PCI
probing PCI-to-EISA bridge, bus 1
probing PCI-to-PCI bridge, bus 2
*** unable to assign PCI base address
*** bus 2, slot 7, function 0, size 00001000 (16 bit I/O)
bus 1, slot 1 -- fra -- DEFEA
bus 1, slot 2 -- vga -- Compaq Qvision
bus 1, slot 3 -- pua -- KFESA
bus 2, slot 1 -- pka -- NCR 53C810
bus 2, slot 6 -- pkb -- NCR 53C810
bus 2, slot 7 -- pkc -- DEC KZPSA
bus 0, slot 7 -- ewa -- DECchip 21041-AA
initializing keyboard
Memory Testing and Configuration Status
Module Size Base Addr Intlv Mode Intlv Unit Status
------ ----- --------- ---------- ---------- ------
0 64MB 00000000 1-Way 0 Passed
Total Bad Pages 0
Testing the System
Testing the Disks (read only)
Testing the Network
econfig: 20041 99
econfig: 20042 04
econfig: 20043 00
AlphaServer 2100A Console V4.3-130, built on Oct 26 1996 at 19:44:57
Note that in the previous display, the KZPSA adapter is successfully installed
despite the error message displayed in the following lines:
*** unable to assign PCI base address
*** bus 2, slot 7, function 0, size 00001000 (16 bit I/O)
6.3.2 SCSI Controller Restriction
The Adaptec 1740/1742 SCSI controller (PB2HA–SA) is not supported on
AlphaServer 2100 systems having more than 1 gigabyte (GB) of memory. If
the controller is connected to such a system, the following message appears on
the operator’s console:
%PKJDRVR-E- The direct DMA window does not map all of memory. Port is going OFFLINE.
Hardware Release Notes 6–3