
OpenVMS Associated Products Release Notes
2.15 FMS Kits
Run-time kit: HPFMSRT025
FMS V2.5 is supported on OpenVMS V8.2 and later systems (Alpha and Integrity
2.16 Graphical Conguration Manager (Alpha Only)
The Graphical Conguration Manager (GCM) is included on the Layered Products
CD that ships with the operating system. However, GCM is frequently updated.
Check regularly for new versions of the software on the following web page:
2.17 HP DECram
This section contains release notes pertaining to DECram.
Refer to Section 1.12 for more information on HP DECram.
2.17.1 DECram Available with OpenVMS Version 8.2 and later
Starting with OpenVMS Alpha and Integrity servers Version 8.2, DECram ships
with the OpenVMS operating system as a System Integrated Product (SIP).
Users are still required to have a DECram license. The DECram driver is
located in SYS$COMMON:[SYS$LDR]. Alpha users should remove any remaining
SYS$MDDRIVER images in the system-specic directories ([SYSx.SYS$LDR]).
For details about removing old versions of DECram before you upgrade to Version
8.2, refer to the HP OpenVMS Version 8.2 Upgrade and Installation Manual.
If you try to load any old versions of DECram, you will get the following error
SYSTEM-W-SYSVERDIF, system version mismatch; please relink
No older versions of DECram are supported on OpenVMS Version 8.2.
DECram Version 2.5 will continue to be supported on VAX systems only.
2.17.2 Conict with DECRYPT DCL Command
The Encryption for OpenVMS Alpha layered product creates its own DCL
command DECRYPT at installation time. DECRYPT then overwrites the default
denition of DECR, which users might have been using to invoke DECram.
If both products are installed, you can access the DECram interface by dening a
DCL foreign command symbol such as the following:
2.18 HP DECwindows Motif for OpenVMS
This section contains release notes pertaining to the HP DECwindows Motif for
OpenVMS product.
2–6 OpenVMS Associated Products Release Notes