Hardware Release Notes
6.1 USB Device Support
The nature of USB is such that in many cases broad categories of devices can
be supported by a single generic device driver. OpenVMS does not attempt
to prevent such unknown third-party devices from configuring and operating.
However, we cannot guarantee correct operation of such untested devices. If a
problem occurs with such a device, it can be reported through support channels
but there is no guarantee that we will be able to correct the problem or provide
an ECO patch for it.
Should you require formal support for a third-party device a request for support
can be made through your HP account team or HP distributor.
6.2 MP and BMC Console Restrictions (Integrity servers Only)
The following notes pertain to the MP and BMC consoles.
6.2.1 Input, Output, and Error Device Restriction
Currently, the OpenVMS operating system requires that the input, output, and
error devices for each MP or BMC console point to a single serial-line console. If
your system has an MP console, that is preferable.
If you do not boot from the designated console, a warning is sent to the VMS_
LOADER, and you might see other errors during the boot. You might also lose
output that you would normally expect to see when booting.
6.2.2 Remapping Ctrl/H to the Delete Key
Unlike the OpenVMS operating system, which uses the character 0X7F for
DEL/RUBOUT, the MP and BMC consoles and the EFI console environment use
Ctrl/H. If you press the delete key on a VTxxx terminal, or if you press a key you
have mapped to send 0X7F in your terminal emulator, no character is deleted.
Note: The driver does not perform remapping under the following conditions:
• Terminal is in IO$_READALL state.
• Terminal is in IO$_READPBLK state.
• Terminal attribute is set to PASSALL.
• Terminal attribute is set to PASTHRU.
• Pressing Ctrl/V tells the driver to pass the next character and skip the remap
6.3 AlphaServer 2100
The following sections contain information specific to the AlphaServer 2100 series
6–2 Hardware Release Notes