System Management Release Notes
4.3 OpenVMS as a Guest Operating System on Integrity VM
In the following examples, the image PUNISH_SHR.EXE is a protected shareable
image that uses $CMKRNL to execute privileged hardware instructions. The
image PUNISH_MAIN.EXE is an executable image that calls routines in
PUNISH_SHR.EXE. The output is as seen at the guests MP console in each
a. The protected shareable image is installed without /RESIDENT:
$ set process/privilege=cmkrnl
$ install add sys$disk:[]punish_shr.exe/protect/share
$ set process/privilege=nocmkrnl
$ define/user punish_shr sys$disk:[]punish_shr.exe
$ run punish_main
Changing mode to kernel to read PSR
*** A fatal error has occurred -- VM terminated ***
**** Dumping Guest Image ****
**** Done with dump (22864Kbytes) ****
This is the VM Host view of the guest punishment in the Integrity VM
monitor log at the same instant:
Assertion failed mmxlate.c:430: PTE_TYPE(pte) == PTE_TYPE_TRPT || PTE_TYPE(pte) == PTE_TYPE_SPPT
scopeDeact EA0C000000000000
Guest punishment: Virtual Machine Monitor Assertion Failed (CPU2000000)
b. The protected shareable image is installed with /RESIDENT:
$ set process/privilege=cmkrnl
$ install add sys$disk:[]punish_shr.exe/protect/share/resident
$ set process/privilege=nocmkrnl
$ define/user punish_shr sys$disk:[]punish_shr.exe
$ run punish_main
Changing mode to kernel to read PSR
PSR = 000000100a0ae010
This problem will be fixed in a future version of Integrity VM.
Scenario 2
OpenVMS guests will fail with the following message displayed on the guest’s MP
*** A fatal error has occurred -- VM terminated ***
**** Dumping Guest Image ****
**** Done with dump (nnnnnKbytes) ****
The Integrity VM monitor log (found on the VM Host in
/var/opt/hpvm/common/hpvm_mon_log) must include guest punishment
information as follows:
ERROR: Could not allocate pinned memory (256 bytes)
Pinned pool: MaxChunk: 0x0000000000000000 Free: 0x0000000000000000
Pinned pool chunks:
Resource map: PinnedMemAlloc limit=0xea0a0000025e0870
Assertion failed firmware.c:94: argArray
Guest punishment: Virtual Machine Monitor Assertion Failed (CPUc000000)
System Management Release Notes 4–3