
Programming Release Notes
5.17 Common Data Security Architecture (CDSA) Considerations
cleanly and could create other undesirable effects. An attempt to remove
CDSA will result in a message similar to the following:
The following product has been selected:
HP I64VMS CDSA T2.4-315 Layered Product
Do you want to continue? [YES]
%PCSI-E-HRDREF, product HP I64VMS CDSA T2.4-315 is referenced by HP I64VMS OPENV
MS X8.4-C42
The two products listed above are tightly bound by a software dependency.
If you override the recommendation to terminate the operation, the
referenced product will be removed, but the referencing product will have
an unsatisfied software dependency and may no longer function correctly.
Please review the referencing product’s documentation on requirements.
Answer YES to the following question to terminate the PRODUCT command.
However, if you are sure you want to remove the referenced product then
answer NO to continue the operation.
5.18 Debugging Modes: Avoiding CPUSPINWAIT Bugchecks
Permanent Condition
The OpenVMS operating system has a number of special modes of operation
designed to help you debug complex hardware and software problems. In general
terms, these special modes enable an extra level of tracing, data recording,
and consistency checking that is useful in identifying a failing hardware or
software component. These modes of operation are controlled by several system
If you are using one of these special modes (for example, to debug a device driver
or other complex application), under certain conditions, generally related to high
I/O loads, it is possible to incur a CPUSPINWAIT bugcheck. Specically, any
privileged code that runs for extended periods of time while holding a spinlock
can cause a CPU spinwait bugcheck. Spinlocks are used to delineate the entry
and exit points for critical sections, and should not be held continuously, as can
occur in this situation.
To prevent a CPUSPINWAIT bugcheck, either use the system default settings for
these system parameters, or reduce the loading of the system.
If you have reason to change the default settings, you can reduce the likelihood of
encountering a problem by setting the SMP_LNGSPINWAIT system parameter to
a value of 9000000.
5.19 Delta/XDelta Debuggers
The following release notes pertain to the OpenVMS Delta and XDelta debuggers
running on OpenVMS Alpha and Integrity servers.
5.19.1 XDELTA Register Display Consideration (Integrity servers Only)
XDELTA on OpenVMS Integrity server displays general, oating-point, and
predicate registers as if the register rename base (CFM.rrb) and the rotating size
(CFM.sor) are both zero. In other words, when rotating registers are in use, the
effects of the rotation are ignored. This condition will be corrected in a future
release. See Section 5.16 for additional details.
Programming Release Notes 5–15