OpenVMS Software Installation and Upgrade Release Notes
1.7 OpenVMS Integrity server Users
Customers who used any earlier evaluation or field test kits should note the
following important considerations:
• The U160 adapter (A6829A) is not officially supported on OpenVMS Integrity
servers Version 8.3 and later, and reached end-of-life in 2005. However, you
can use this adapter for existing hardware configurations as long as the
system remains as it is currently configured. Any additional adapters, or
movement to another server environment, requires you to move to U320 SCSI
adapter technology.
• In the case of Fibre Channel, customers might have been running with the
AB232A or KGPSA-EA FC adapters. These adapters are not supported
on OpenVMS Integrity servers Version 8.3 and later, and customers using
them must upgrade to the A6826A FC adapter before running production
applications on Version 8.2.
1.7.2 U160 SCSI Support for rx7620 and rx8620
The rx7620 and rx8620 systems have an internal U160 (SCSI), which is included
in the system as core I/O. The internal connections to the racks of SCSI disks
(which appear on the front of the system box) are supported by OpenVMS. The
internal box also has two external ports. HP does not support attaching them
(using cables) to a SCSI rack.
1.7.3 Clearing the System Event Log on Integrity servers
HP Integrity servers maintain a System Event Log (SEL) within the system
console storage. OpenVMS Integrity servers automatically transfers the contents
of the SEL into the OpenVMS error log. If you are operating from the console
during a successful boot operation, you might see a message indicating that the
Baseboard Management Controller (BMC) SEL is full. You can continue when the
BMC SEL is full by following the prompts; OpenVMS will process the contents
of the SEL. To clear the SEL manually, enter the following command at the EFI
Shell prompt:
Shell> clearlogs SEL
This command deletes the contents of the SEL. The command is available with
current system firmware versions.
If your Integrity server is configured with a Management Processor (MP) and you
see a BMC event log warning while connected to the MP console, you can clear
the BMC event log by using MP. Press Ctrl/B to drop to the MP> prompt. At the
MP> prompt, enter SL (from the main menu) and use the C option to clear the
HP recommends that you load and use the most current system firmware. For
more information about updating the system firmware, see the HP OpenVMS
Version 8.3 Upgrade and Installation Manual.
OpenVMS Software Installation and Upgrade Release Notes 1–5