
Programming Release Notes
5.26 Hypersort Utility
5.26 Hypersort Utility
The following notes pertain to Hypersort V08-006 for OpenVMS Alpha and
OpenVMS Integrity servers Version 8.2.
As always, continue to use SORT32 as a workaround for any unresolved problems
with Hypersort or any functionality not implemented in Hypersort. Release notes
for SORT32 are in Section 5.38.
5.26.1 Reporting a Problem to HP
Permanent Condition
If you nd a problem with SORT or MERGE, execute the following commands
before you submit a problem report:
Include the output in your problem report along with the input les that
demonstrate the problem.
5.26.2 Large Files Restriction
Hypersort V08-010 includes an improved memory allocation algorithm, but
Hypersort still sometimes hangs or ACCVIOs with large input les. To reduce
the chances of a hang or an ACCVIO, make sure to set page le quota and
working set extent as noted in Section 5.26.8. If you encounter a hang or an
ACCVIO with Hypersort, use SORT32 instead.
5.26.3 Hypersort and VFC Files Restriction
Use of VFC les with Hypersort requires /FORMAT=RECORD_SIZE:n.
5.26.4 /FORMAT=RECORD_SIZE Restriction
Permanent Restriction
Hypersort supports /FORMAT=RECORD_SIZE:n for use with both SORT and
MERGE, with the following two restrictions:
In all cases, if the command-specied RECORD_SIZE is less than the longest
record size (LRL) of any record in the input les, the records that are too
long are truncated to the RECORD_SIZE size in the sorted output le and
the diagnostic message %SORT-E-BAD_LRL is issued. In this situation,
the output le should be discarded and the sort should be rerun. The
RECORD_SIZE parameter for the SORT command should be revised to a
value appropriate to the size of the largest record as shown in the listing of a
DIR/FULL command for the input les.
SORT and MERGE produce output sequential les from input indexed les.
The %SORT-E-BAD_LRL diagnostic message can also be issued for this case.
Programming Release Notes 5–23