
Programming Release Notes
5.38 SORT32 Utility
5.38.5 Work File Directories Restriction
SORT32 work les must be redirected to directories that allow multiple le
versions that can handle the number of requested work les.
5.39 Timer Queue Entries (TQEs)
Permanent Restriction
Management of Timer Queue Entries was redesigned for OpenVMS Alpha Version
7.3-1 to provide signicantly higher performance for systems using many TQEs.
This change is transparent to nonprivileged applications.
Privileged code can no longer manipulate TQEs directly in any form. In
particular, directly accessing pointers in the TQE’s queue header (TQE$L_
TQFL/TQE$L_TQBL) causes an access violation in almost all cases. Privileged
code may continue to use the internal routines exe_std$instimq/exe$instimq and
exe_std$rmvtimq/exe$rmvtimq to enter or remove Timer Queue Entries.
5.40 Watchpoint Utility (Integrity servers Only)
The Watchpoint Utility has not been ported to OpenVMS Integrity servers. HP
intends to port this utility in a future release.
5.41 Whole Program Floating-Point Mode (Integrity servers Only)
On OpenVMS Alpha, the oating-point rounding behavior, exception behavior,
and precision control are dened at compile time; each module is independently
compiled with its own set of oating-point behaviors. For example, one module
can be compiled with a directive that causes overow calculations to signal an
overow exception, and another module can be compiled with a directive that
causes overow calculations to compute the value InnityT rather than to signal
an exception. When these two modules are combined and run, the code in the
modules performs overow calculations that were specied at compile time.
On OpenVMS Integrity servers, the oating-point rounding behavior, exception
behavior, and precision control are dened at run time and are guided by the
concept of whole program oating-point mode. With whole program oating-point
mode, the module that contains the program main entry point (as determined
by the Linker) is the module that denes the default oating-point rounding
behavior, exception behavior, and precision control.
Most programs are not affected by this difference. Refer to the white paper
‘‘OpenVMS Floating-Point Arithmetic on the Intel® Itanium® Architecture’’ for
essential reading. You can link to this document from the following web site:
Programming Release Notes 5–41