OpenVMS Software Installation and Upgrade Release Notes
1.6 HP DECwindows Motif for OpenVMS
1.6 HP DECwindows Motif for OpenVMS
The following table lists the versions of DECwindows Motif supported on various
platforms of the OpenVMS Version 8.4 operating system.
Table 1–1 Supported Versions of DECwindows Motif
OpenVMS Version DECwindows Motif Version
OpenVMS Integrity servers Versions
8.3, 8.3-1H1, and 8.4
DECwindows Motif for OpenVMS Integrity servers
Version 1.7
OpenVMS Alpha Version 8.4 DECwindows Motif for OpenVMS Alpha Version
The DECwindows Motif software relies on specific versions of OpenVMS server
and device driver images. Ensure you install or upgrade to the version of
DECwindows Motif that is appropriate to your operating system environment, as
noted in Table 1–1.
For information on support for prior versions of DECwindows Motif, see the HP
DECwindows Motif for OpenVMS Release Notes.
For detailed information about installing the DECwindows Motif software, see
the HP DECwindows Motif for OpenVMS Installation Guide.
1.7 OpenVMS Integrity server Users
The following notes are primarily of interest to users of OpenVMS Integrity
1.7.1 Storage Controllers
The HP sx1000 chipset for HP Integrity servers provides the CPU, memory, and
I/O subsystem to the HP Integrity rx7620, HP Integrity 8620, and HP Integrity
Superdome servers. The cell controller is combined with four CPU chips into the
computing cell in the sx1000 chipset architecture. The cell controller chip also
provides paths to the I/O devices and off-cell memory.
The rx7620, rx8620, and Superdome servers provide a varying number of sx1000
chipset cells. The rx7620 provides up to 2 cells (8 CPUs), the rx8620 provides up
to 4 cells (16 CPUs), and the Superdome provides up to 16 cells (64 CPUs).
OpenVMS Integrity servers Version 8.3 supports two primary storage
• The SCSI storage type is U320, used for core I/O for certain Integrity server
systems, as well as the A7173A U320 SCSI adapter. For connection to
external SCSI storage, the supported storage shelves are the DS2100 or the
• The external Fibre Channel storage connection is through the dual-port 2
GB Fibre Channel Universal PCI-X adapter (A6826A). This adapter allows
connectivity to any external SAN-based Fibre Channel storage infrastructure
supported by OpenVMS.
Support for SAS based storage is provided from OpenVMS Integrity servers
Version 8.3-1H1 onwards.
1–4 OpenVMS Software Installation and Upgrade Release Notes