
System Management Release Notes
4.22 System Parameters
GH_RES_CODE has the AUTOGEN and FEEDBACK attributes.
4.23 SYS$LDDRIVER Restriction
SYS$LDDRIVER.EXE is a freeware pseudo device driver that allows OpenVMS
operating system to create virtual disks. For OpenVMS Version 7.3-1 and
succeeding versions, this driver was placed in SYS$COMMON:[SYS$LDR] to
support the creation of the source virtual disk for mastering a CD or DVD using
CDRECORD or COPY/RECORDABLE_MEDIA. This is the only supported use
of this freeware driver. All other uses of this driver continue to be subject to the
following documented freeware usage restrictions:
OpenVMS Freeware is provided as is without a warranty. HP imposes no
restrictions on its distribution or redistribution. HP does not support services for
this software, x the software, or guarantee that it works correctly.
4.24 CPU_POWER_MGMT Default Value Changed
The default value for the sysgen parameter CPU_POWER_MGMT has been
restored to 1 (that is to on). An improved idle power saving algorithm reduces
interrupt latency while CPU_POWER_MGMT is on.
4.25 Booting A Satellite System with Reserved Memory
To use the SYSMAN reserved memory feature on an Integrity server satellite
system the le SYS$SYSTEM:VMS$RESERVED_MEMORY.DATA must allow
world READ+EXECUTE access. Failure to set this access protection results in
the warning when booting the satellite:
After running SYSMAN to add memory reservations to a satellite, execute
SYS$MANAGER:CLUSTER_CONFIG_LAN.COM to set the correct protection
on the VMS$RESERVED_MEMORY.DATA le. To set the protection, from the
cluster conguration procedure "Main Menu" select:
3. CHANGE a cluster member’s characteristics.
From the "CHANGE Menu" select the following:
13. Reset an IA64 satellite node’s boot environment file protections.
What is the satellite name (leave blank to use a specific device and root)?
Enter the satellite name or satellite boot device and root for the system where
you added the memory reservation. SYSMAN will be xed in a later release to
eliminate this condition.
4.26 SCACP Error Counter Reports Retransmit Errors
If the PEA0: device on the system shows a number of errors, these errors might
be retransmit errors and not actual errors. To verify actual errors, use the
SCACP utility to conrm whether there are a number of retransmits on the PEA0
channels and use the LANCP utility to identify whether any actual devices errors
4–22 System Management Release Notes