
General User Release Notes
3.14 OpenVMS Freeware CDs
For additional information about the Freeware, refer to the
After the appropriate device is mounted, you can access the kit directories
directly using standard DCL commands, such as
. Omnibus
text les containing submission abstracts and other materials are available in the
[FREEWARE] directory on each disk.
The [FREEWARE]FREEWARE.COM Freeware menu system interface has been
removed from Freeware 8.0 distribution.
3.14.1 Freeware Menu Unavailable (Integrity servers Only)
The [FREEWARE]FREEWARE.COM Freeware menu system interface on the
OpenVMS Freeware V7.0 distribution does not operate on OpenVMS Integrity
The menu system interface is expected to function on OpenVMS Alpha and on
OpenVMS VAX systems.
You can directly access the contents of the Freeware V7.0 distribution media
by using DCL commands such as DIRECTORY and COPY from an OpenVMS
Integrity servers, OpenVMS Alpha, or OpenVMS VAX system. This is the
preferred way to access the contents of the Freeware V7.0 distribution.
Information about submissions and the Freeware distribution is contained in the
le [FREEWARE]FREEWARE_README.TXT. This le is on each volume of the
Freeware V7.0 distribution, and you can view its contents by using the TYPE
command or a text editor.
3.15 DCL Commands
The following release notes pertain to DCL commands.
3.15.1 SHUTDOWN.COM on OpenVMS Graphics Console (Integrity servers
Permanent Restriction
On an OpenVMS Integrity server system with a graphics console, use of
SYS$SYSTEM:SHUTDOWN.COM to stop the system may not work as expected.
The system will not stop after the "SYSTEM SHUTDOWN COMPLETE" message
and wait for a key to be typed at the console keyboard. However, it will continue
to reset as though a reboot had been requested. If the rst option in the list of
boot options is a valid boot device, the OpenVMS system will reboot.
3.15.2 DIAGNOSE Command No Longer Supported
The DIAGNOSE command is not supported on OpenVMS Version 8.2.
3.15.3 MOUNT Command Restriction
In a mixed-version OpenVMS cluster, an attempt to mount a volume with
/CLUSTER and /CACHE=[NO]DATA from a OpenVMS Version 8.4 system will
fail on the earlier versions of OpenVMS (%MOUNT-W-RMTMNTFAIL) with the
error condition as MOUNT-F-BADPARAM.
3–8 General User Release Notes