
6.14 Dual-Controller HSGnn with Many LUNs Can Fail Under Heavy I/O
Load . . .................................................... 6–14
6.15 Open3D Graphics Licensing Change . ............................ 6–15
6.16 PowerStorm 300/350 PCI Graphics Support for OpenVMS . ........... 6–15
6.17 RFnn DSSI Disk Devices and Controller Memory Errors . . . ........... 6–16
6.18 RZnn Disk Drive Considerations ................................ 6–18
6.18.1 RZ25M and RZ26N Disk Drives: Recommendations . . . ........... 6–18
6.18.2 RZ26N and RZ28M Disks: Recommended Firmware Support ....... 6–19
6.18.3 RZ26L and RZ28 Disks: Required Firmware for Multihost Use . . . . . 6–19 Firmware Revision Level 442 Requirements ................. 6–19 Firmware Revision Level 442 Installation Procedure ........... 6–19
6.19 sx1000 Integrity Superdome ................................... 6–20
6.20 ZLX Graphics Boards Support ................................. 6–20
6.21 Recompiling and Relinking OpenVMS Device Drivers ................ 6–20
6.21.1 Alpha and VAX SCSI Device Drivers .......................... 6–20
6.21.2 OpenVMS Alpha Device Drivers . ............................ 6–21
6.22 Device Driver MON Version Handling ............................ 6–21
6.23 Possible Per-Threads Security Impact on Alpha Device Drivers ........ 6–21
6.24 Device IPL Setup for OpenVMS Alpha Drivers . . ................... 6–21
6.25 CRCTX Routines Enhanced ................................... 6–22
6.26 Adapter Release Notes ........................................ 6–22
6.26.1 Fibre Channel EFI Driver and Firmware Requirements ........... 6–22
6.26.2 Booting with Multiple Fibre Channel Boot Entries ............... 6–23
A Interlocked Memory Instructions (Alpha Only)
A.1 Required Code Checks . . . .................................... A–1
A.2 Using the Code Analysis Tool (SRM_CHECK) . . . ................... A–1
A.3 Noncompliant Code Characteristics . ............................ A–2
A.4 Coding Requirements ......................................... A–3
A.5 Compiler Versions ........................................... A–5
A.6 Recompiling Code with ALONONPAGED_INLINE or
LAL_REMOVE_FIRST . . . .................................... A–6
1–1 Supported Versions of DECwindows Motif . . . ................... 1–4
1–2 Firmware Versions for Entry-Class Integrity Servers . . ........... 1–6
4–2 Patch Kits Required for Cluster Compatibility ................... 4–26
4–2 Patch Kits Required for Cluster Compatibility ................... 4–27
4–3 Galaxy Denitions ........................................ 4–30
4–4 TFF Character Fallback Tables . . ............................ 4–33
5–1 Macro-32 New Built-ins .................................... 5–19
6–1 Changes to Device Description Block .......................... 6–8
6–2 Supported Microcode Revision Levels ......................... 6–17
6–3 Commands for Updating Microcode in Certain DSSI Disk Devices . . . 6–18
6–4 Revision Level 442 Firmware Compatibility . ................... 6–19
A–1 Versions of OpenVMS Compilers . ............................ A–5