Chapter 6 - System Operation - MV Controller
64 AdeptSix 300CR Robot Instruction Handbook, Rev. A
AC Power to Adept Components Checks
Verify that the Adept controller is correctly connected to the AC power source.
1. Make sure that AC power is shut off to the Adept controllers (MV and PA-4
power chassis).
2. Verify that the single phase AC power (180-245 VAC) is connected to the Adept
power controller.
3. Verify that the three-phase AC power (200-240 VAC or 380-415 VAC) is connected
to the Adept PA-4 power chassis. For information on single-phase AC power to
the PA-4, see the AdeptSix Controller Installation Guide.
4. If the System Power On/Off switch on the CIP-2 is used, check the connections to
this switch.
Board and Cable Installation Checks
Make sure that all the boards in the Adept controller and PA-4 power chassis are secured
and the connection cables are correctly installed.
1. Secure all boards and blank front panels to the Adept controller chassis. Tighten
both the top and bottom mounting screws on each front panel. This ensures
proper grounding of the controller from an EMC standpoint and ensures good
connection to the controller backplane.
2. Secure all amplifier modules and the MAI-2 (multi-axis interface) module in the
amp chassis. Tighten both the top and bottom mounting screws on each front
panel. This ensures proper grounding of the amplifier controller subsystems from
an EMC standpoint and ensures good connection to the drawer connectors at the
rear of the chassis. The drawer connectors carry power and interlock signals
from/into the power chassis from the amplifiers.
NOTE: There is a safety interlock built into the amp chassis that prevents
high power from being applied if the amplifier modules, or the MAI-2
module are not correctly screwed into place.
3. Verify the following cable connections. Check to see that the plugs are latched on
both ends of the cables. See Figure 4-1 on page 43.
• Robot to amps in PA-4 power chassis (Arm Power Cable)
• Robot CN29 connector to MAI-2 CN29 connector (Arm Power Cable)
• Robot to PA-4 power chassis MAI-2 (Arm Signal Cable)
• Install one ground wire each from Arm Signal Cable and Arm Power Cable
to front right screw on the top of the Adept PA-4 power chassis.
• 1394 AWC-II connector to MAI-2 IEEE 1394 connector
• CIP-2 to optional MCP (install bypass plug if not used)
• CIP-2 (JAWC connector) to AWC-II (CIP) connector
• CIP-2 (JSLV connector) to MAI-2 (XSLV1) connector
• JUSER to user-supplied equipment (install jumper plug if not used)