AdeptSix 300CR Robot Instruction Handbook, Rev. A 101
1BC cable 43
2BC cable 43
accuracy (repetitive positioning) 93
Adept control system, applying power
MV controller 64
SmartController 70
air lines, user 59
allowable inertia 93
allowable moment 93
applying power to Adept control system
MV controller 64
SmartController 70
Arm Power cable 43
Arm Signal cable 43
avoidance of injury 24
axes speeds, maximum 93
Axis 1
motion range 93
speed reducer greasing 84
Axis 2
effect on Axis 4 98
motion range 93
speed reducer greasing 85
working range 98
Axis 3
allowable load 58
effect on Axis 4 98
motion range 93
speed reducer greasing 86
working range 98
Axis 4
motion range 93
speed reducer greasing 87
working range 98
Axis 5
motion range 93
speed reducer greasing 87
working range 97
Axis 6
motion range 93
speed reducer greasing 88
axis names 38
, 94
description of 37
dimensions 95
battery replacement 82
behavior category, control system 24
board and cable installation checks
MV controller system 62
SmartController system 68
brake release box, installation 90
connecting to MV controller 46
connecting to power chassis 43
connecting to SmartController 47
MV controller system installation
power (2BC) 43
signal (1BC) 43
SmartController system installation 42
calculating moment of inertia 52
calibration, robot
in MV controller system 66
in SmartController system 71
center of gravity
end of arm tooling 51
center of gravity, for installed tool 51
, 53, 55,
checks after applying power
MV controller system 65
SmartController system 70
I/O equipment 46
, 47
user-supplied equipment 46
, 47
connecting cables
to AdeptSix 300CR 43
to MV controller 46
to PA-4 power chassis 43
to SmartController 47
connecting diagram
to MV controller 41
to SmartController 42
connectors, on robot
1BC (Arm Signal) 35
, 43
2BC (Arm Power) 35
, 43
3BC, for user lines 59