
Qualification of Personnel
AdeptSix 300CR Robot Instruction Handbook, Rev. A 29
2.10 Qualification of Personnel
This manual assumes that all personnel have attended an Adept training course and have
a working knowledge of the system. The user must provide the necessary additional
training for all personnel who will be working with the system.
As noted in this handbook, certain procedures should be performed only by skilled or
instructed persons. For a description of the level of qualification, Adept uses the standard
Skilled persons have technical knowledge or sufficient experience to enable them
to avoid the dangers, electrical and/or mechanical.
Instructed persons are adequately advised or supervised by skilled persons to
enable them to avoid the dangers, electrical and/or mechanical.
All personnel must observe industry-prescribed safety practices during the installation,
operation, and testing of all electrically powered equipment. To avoid injury or damage to
equipment, always remove power by disconnecting the AC power from the source before
attempting any repair or upgrade activity. Use appropriate lockout procedures to reduce
the risk of power being restored by another person while you are working on the system.
1. Has received the instruction handbook
2. Has read the instruction handbook
3. Understands the instruction handbook
4. Will work in the manner specified by the instruction handbook.
2.11 Safety Equipment for Operators
Operators must wear safety equipment in the workcell. For safety reasons, operators must
wear the following when they are in the robot workcell.
Safety glasses
Protective headgear (hard hats)
•Safety shoes
Warning signs should be posted around the workcell to ensure that anyone working
around the robot system knows they must wear safety equipment.
WARNING: The user must get confirmation from every
entrusted person before they start working with the robot
that the person: