104 AdeptSix 300CR Robot Instruction Handbook, Rev. A
user electrical and air lines 59
working area 28
wrist loads 49
wrist tool flange 50
safeguarding responsibility 31
safety 19
AdeptSix 300CR pinch hazard 27
during maintenance 30
equipment for operators 29
expelling a part 21
impact and trapping points 20
required safeguards 20
requirements for additional
equipment 28
sources for information 21
standards 31
safety barriers 20
safety guard installation 31
schedule for maintenance 78
scheduling robot inspections and
maintenance 77
serial numbers 15
shipping bracket 35
applying power 70
cable connections to 47
connecting 47
connection diagram 42
in system cable diagram 42
installing 47
system operation 67
turning off 71
user-supplied safety equipment 69
sources for international standards and
directives 22
spare parts 91
specifications 93
speed reducer, grease replenishment
Axis 1 84
Axis 2 85
Axis 3 86
Axis 4 87
Axis 5 87
Axis 6 88
speed, maximum per axis 93
support information, finding 16
teaching robot use, safety 24
technical specifications 93
temperature, operating 40
, 93
TOOL coordinate system, on MCP 76
tool flange, wrist 50
torque, maximum 37
transporting robot 27
, 32
turning off the system
MV controller 66
SmartController 71
turning on the system 14
user electrical and air lines 59
user-supplied equipment
connecting 46
, 47
user-supplied safety equipment
on JUSER 63
on XUSR 69
verifying system installation
MV controller 61
SmartController 67
vibrations, maximum allowable 93
warning labels, locating 27
weight, end of arm tooling 51
working areas 28
working range 96
WORLD coordinate system, on MCP 75
allowable loads 49
tool flange dimensions 50
XUSR, connector checks 69