It is recommended that a class on TSO and ISPF, to help navigate through
panels, be taken prior to the MVS Installation and SMPE class. The IBM SMPE
class is a good and necessary prerequisite to the MVS install class. SMPE is
similar to VSE MSHP. It provides key information on installing products and
applying PTFs and is good for VSE systems programmers.
The focus of the MVS Installation class is for MVS customers installing a new
version of MVS. There may be additional considerations for first time users.
These needs may be addressed in customized training.
A.1.2 Custom Classes
IBM Education and Training (E&T) can help you with your training challenge by
providing customized training. E&T specializes in presenting a common basic
curriculum to a mixed audience of operators, applications programmers and
system programmers (OS/390 basics, how to use ISPF, JCL basics) and then
splitting each audience to learn those topics specific to their job performance.
The following training on MVS fundamentals is intended for individuals skilled
and experienced with the VSE environment, but new to the MVS environment.
After this series of courses, the MVS professional should understand the basics
required for MVS.
A customized base VSE to OS/390 training plan would include the following:
an overview of the components of OS/390
a hands-on ISPF primer
basic JCL and utilities preceded by a TSO primer
OS/390 commands
JES2 commands
DIM (Data In Memory) techniques for applications programmers
advanced OS/390 training for systems programmers
A.1.3 OEM Product Education
OEM product education must also be coordinated during the migration. Training
on OEM job schedulers and report managers have become increasingly
important over the last few years.
A.2 When are Courses Scheduled and When are they Needed?
It is best to schedule training close to the time the new skill is needed. Some
OS/390 training is required early in the migration. An example is the
specification phase, when some knowledge about OS/390 is required early in the
project, to help define the target system.
It can be a waste to have the application programmers trained on TSO early in
the migration. The skill is typically not needed until the system testing phase of
the migration.
536 VSE to OS/390 Migration Workbook