Table 43 (Page 2 of 2). Option Recommendations Differing between
LE/VSE 1.4 and OS/390 Language Environment
Language Option Recommendation
17.5.2 User Exits and Abnormal Termination Exits
This section discusses migration considerations for user and abnormal
termination exits, and the similarities and differences between the exits for
OS/390 Language Environment and LE/VSE. Assembler User Exits
Three default assembler user exits are provided with LE/VSE. They are:
CEEBXITA (batch)
CEEBX05A (VS COBOL II compatibility)
The default CEEBXITA is linked into the distributed batch
initialization/termination phases (CEEBINIT and CEEPIPI); the default CEECXITA
is linked into the distributed CICS library support routines phase, CEECCICS.
You can customize these exits to suit your requirements and link them directly to
applications for use on an application-specific basis.
OS/390 Language Environment provides default assembler exits with the same
names as these, and they also are linked into the batch and CICS initialization
and termination load modules, and the CICS support routine load module.
However, these assembler exits may not perform exactly the same functions
when invoked in OS/390 Language Environment as in LE/VSE. If you rely on the
function of the default assembler exits, you should examine the OS/390
Language Environment versions to ensure they do what you require.
If you have customized your own assembler exits in LE/VSE, you can make the
same customization in OS/390 Language Environment.
OS/390 Language Environment also provides a default assembler user exit for
TSO, CEEBXITC, which you may find useful. High-Level Language Exits
A sample High-Level Language (HLL) exit is provided in both LE/VSE and OS/390
Language Environment. This is CEEBINT. In both cases, it does nothing except
return to the caller.
You can compile as many of your own HLL exits as you wish, in LE/VSE and in
OS/390 Language Environment. In OS/390 Language Environment as in LE/VSE,
you can write an HLL exit in C, PL/I or Language Environment-conforming
Assembler language, but not in COBOL.
Note: You cannot write an HLL exit in C, for use in LE/VSE 1.1.
364 VSE to OS/390 Migration Workbook