RMT BSC and SNA RJE Workstations
R(nn).RD(n) RJE Workstation Readers
R(nn).PR(n) RJE Workstation Printers
R(nn).PU(n) RJE Workstation Punches
See Table 19 on page 228, and Table 20 on page 229 for a comparison of
POWER PRMT macros and JES2 RMT parameters. RJE Operations
See 28.6.1, “JES2 RJE Operations” on page 452 and
JES2 Commands
for a
description of RJE commands for the host and remote operators. RJE Exits
JES2 exits 17 or 18 can be used to control RJE remote sessions when they sign
on. Exits 1 and 15 can be used for separators on remote printers. See Table 23
on page 231 for a comparison of POWER exits and JES2 exits.
10.3.7 Network Job Entry
For a complete discussion of NJE differences, please see
NJE Installation,
Operation and Use with JES2 and Other Systems
, GG22-9339.
NJE is supported by VSE/POWER, MVS/JES2, JES3, VM/RSCS, and some
non-IBM program offerings. In general, all levels of VSE/POWER and JES2 are
NJE-compatible with one another.
Both POWER and JES2 support SNA, BSC and CTC communications, although
POWER only supports Virtual CTCs (using VM). Both systems support multiple
streams, spanned headers, and AFP mode print files. JES2 also supports the
following features which help manage NJE networks:
Path Manager This is exclusive to JES2 and dynamically keeps track of
all connections, manages the best path and alternate
paths to all nodes in the network.
Parallel Links You can have multiple parallel BSC lines, CTC
connections and SNA sessions with adjacent NJE nodes
for better availability and performance.
Multiple Paths Alternate path routing and multiple concurrent paths are
supported by JES2 to adjacent and non-adjacent nodes.
Subnets You can define subsets of the NJE nodes as ″Subnets″
for routing purposes to simplify routing tables and path
Formatted Commands The JES2 $G commands allow you display and control
jobs at other nodes in a system-independent format.
(You don′t have to know the syntax of the target
See Chapter 5 in the
JES2 Initialization and Tuning Guide
for more details.
220 VSE to OS/390 Migration Workbook