ACF/NCP in a 37XX controller may itself be completely independent of the
operating system in the host, but the generation and loading of such an NCP is
very much dependent on the operating system.
9.2.1 Product Installation
Differences in the installation procedures of NCP for VSE and OS/390 are
basically the same as those for VTAM. The main steps required to implement an
NCP under OS/390 are:
Allocate data sets for use by NCP and the generation process.
The generation process requires three input PDSs and a number of work
files in order to process the source statements. The three PDSs, into which
the SSP and NCP modules are installed, are:
− The data set containing the ACF/SSP modules, which includes the load
and dump utilities as well as the NDF generation programs. This is also
referred to in the VTAM start procedure (STEPLIB) because VTAM uses it
to load the NCP.
− The data set containing the ACF/NCP macro statements used to
assemble the NCP object modules which are created during the NDF
process. It is referred to as SYSLIB in the generation procedure. It is a
source library and therefore has DCB=(RECFM=FB,LRECL=80) with a
suitable block size.
− The data set containing the ACF/NCP modules used in link-editing the
NCP into its final home. As a load module library it has
You must also allocate the data set into which the finished NCP will go
(NCPLOAD in our example VTAM start procedure).
Install the SSP and NCP products to the libraries, using SMP/E. Current
levels of ACF/NCP and ACF/SSP can be included in the OS/390 SystemPac
with the initial installation tasks already completed.
Run the program generation procedure.
9.2.2 Program Generation
Generation under VSE and OS/390 is done using NDF. ACF/SSP beginning with
Version 3 includes the NCP/EP Definition Facility (NDF), a program used in
generating an NCP and/or EP load module. Compared to the old generation
processes, NDF can do a program generation four to eight times faster. There is
also a time-saving FASTRUN option in NDF which can be used to validate the
NCP/EP definition macro coding without invoking the generation process. The
control program generation using NDF under VSE is a six step process, while
under OS/390 it is a two step process. These steps are submitted as one single
job and no operator/programmer intervention is required between the steps.
More information on NDF (including samples) can be found in the
NCP, SSP, and
EP Generation and Loading Guide
There are differences in the actual coding of the NCP between VSE and OS/390,
because the definition statements refer to operating system-dependent facilities.
In particular:
192 VSE to OS/390 Migration Workbook