double asterisk (**) represents any number of characters in any number of
Under VSE and CMS, an implicit rewind was previously performed by each
function that works with labeled tapes. Labeled tape functions could only work
with the first file on a tape. The implicit rewind is no longer performed. This lets
you work with multifile standard labeled tapes.
20.2 DITTO Functions that are No Longer Supported
The following table lists function codes that were allowed in previous releases of
DITTO but are not recognized by DITTO/ESA. You can use the indicated
replacement, if any.
Function Description Replacement
BDU Buffer to Diskette -
BIS, BI Buffer to ISAM -
CDU Card to Diskette -
DDD Disk Dump with Deblocking DP
DPD Disk to Printer with Deblocking DP
DKB Diskette Browse -
DKE Diskette Eject and Feed -
DKH, DKP Diskette to Printer -
DKI Display Diskette Index -
DKL Diskette Record Load -
DKN Diskette to Console -
DKS Diskette Record Scan -
DKV Diskette Identification Change -
DUC, DUI Diskette File to Card -
DUD Diskette File to Diskette File -
DUF Diskette File to CMS File -
DUH, DUP Diskette File to Printer -
DUS Diskette File to SAM File -
DUT Diskette File to Tape -
DUV Diskette File to VSAM -
FDD CMS File Dump Deblocked FP
FDU CMS File to Diskette File -
IDK Initialize Diskette -
IDP, ID ISAM File Dump -
IIS ISAM File to ISAM File -
IPR, IP ISAM File Print -
ISQ, IS ISAM File to SAM File -
ITP, IT ISAM File to Tape -
LE Library Member Erase LDEL
382 VSE to OS/390 Migration Workbook