7.2.1 Accessing the System
Since LOGON to TSO/E is dependent on the telecommunications access method
used with TSO/E, the System Standards implemented by the Systems
Programmer, and the related program products installed, you should reference
TSO/E Primer
and your Systems Programmer for information on logging on
to TSO/E.
7.2.2 Entering and Manipulating Data
In ICCF, data is entered and stored as a member of an ICCF library. Data is
restricted to 80 byte records in an ICCF library. You may enter data into an ICCF
library member from Input, Edit, or Full Screen Edit mode. ICCF allows
modification of data stored in members of ICCF libraries only. Modifications are
made while in Edit or Full Screen Edit modes and physically change the data on
In TSO/E, data is entered and stored in sequential data sets, or partitioned data
sets (PDS) using the Interactive System Productivity Facility/Program
Development Facility (ISPF/PDF) editor or the TSO/E EDIT command and its
subcommands. Most users use ISPF/PDF, rather than the older TSO/E EDIT
command, to gain increased usability and improve their productivity. Record
formats may be either fixed or variable with a logical record size less than or
equal to 255 and a block size less than or equal to track length. A PDS is a data
set partitioned into one or more independent groups called members. Each
member must have a unique name and can be referred to separately by
appending the member name, enclosed in parentheses, to the data set name.
The name you give a data set should follow the TSO/E naming conventions. A
TSO/E data set name normally has three fields.
Identification Qualifier - This is always the leftmost qualifier of the full data set
name. For TSO/E, this qualifier is the prefix selected in the PROFILE command. If
no prefix has been selected, your user ID will be used.
User-Supplied Name - You choose a name for the data sets that you want to
identify. It can be a simple name or several simple names separated by periods.
Descriptive Qualifier - The descriptive qualifier is always the rightmost qualifier
of the full data set name. It is one of a set of keywords that describe the contents
of the data set to the system (that is, ′data′ identifies the data set as uppercase
text). A list of standard descriptive qualifiers and the respective contents follows.
Descriptive Qualifier Data Set Contents
ASM Assembler input
CLIST TSO/E commands and subcommands
CNTL JCL and SYSIN for SUBMIT command
COBOL COBOL statements
DATA Uppercase text
FORT FORTRAN statements
LINKLIST Output listing from linkage editor
LIST Listings
LOAD Load module
Chapter 7. ICCF and TSO 159