1. The decbaddress must be the same as used in the READ or WRITE macro
2. If the I/O operation did not complete successfully, the error analysis routine
(SYNAD) is given control if you have provided one.
3. The following conditions are also handled:
When the system is reading, volume switching is automatic. The
end-of-data-set (EODAD) routine is given control if an input request is
made after all the records have been retrieved.
When the system is writing, additional space on the device is obtained
when the current space is filled and more WRITE macros have been
1. Blockaddress is the address of a fullword on a fullword boundary containing
the required record identification in the same form as it is obtained from the
NOTE macro.
2. If you use WRITE SQ after POINTR in VSE, set the 0 of TTR0 to 1 in MVS for
the same result.
1. The POINTS macro in VSE causes repositioning of the file to the lower limit
of its first extent.
2. The POINT macro in MVS positions the data set to the block indicated in the
blockaddress field, which contains TTRz where:
TT is the relative track number.
R is the block number on that track.
z is zero or one, if it is one, the block following the TTR block is
You can specify the first block of a direct access device data set by either
hexadecimal 00000001 or 00000100.
3. The MVS POINT macro is valid only for BSAM and BPAM.
filename , address
(1) (0)
MVS POINT dcbaddress , blockaddress
(2-12) (2-12)
(1) (0)
VSE POINTS filename
MVS POINT dcbaddress , blockaddress
(2-12) (2-12)
(1) (0)
308 VSE to OS/390 Migration Workbook