Chapter 19. SORT
This chapter addresses considerations for migrating to the OS/390 Sort product,
DFSORT (5740-SM1) from the VSE Sort products:
DOS/VS SORT/MERGE V2 (5746-SM2), referred to as Sort/Merge
DFSORT/VSE V3 (5746-SM3), referred to as DFSORT/VSE
DFSORT/VSE is based on and replaces Sort/Merge. It offers additional features
not available with Sort/Merge. The migration considerations for Sort/Merge will
be discussed first. These considerations also apply to DFSORT/VSE. Migration
considerations for additional features of DFSORT/VSE are discussed separately
at the end of the chapter.
The interfaces for calling DFSORT from a program and for DFSORT user exit
routines are significantly different from the corresponding interfaces for
Sort/Merge. Your calling programs and user exits thus require careful
consideration and redesign, as appropriate. These interfaces are described fully
in the
DFSORT Application Programming Guide
, SC33-4035 and will not be
discussed here.
Sort/Merge, DFSORT/VSE and DFSORT were designed to be functionally
compatible at the control statement level, and for the most part, the control
statement syntax of the three products is compatible. However, differences in
JCL, data set usage and control statement syntax must be addressed when
migrating to DFSORT. These differences are summarized in this chapter.
DFSORT has many features that are not available with Sort/Merge and some
features that are not available with DFSORT/VSE. These additional DFSORT
features are only discussed here when they relate to migration considerations.
However, you may want to familiarize yourself with these additional features
since they can be useful for your DFSORT applications.
For complete details on DFSORT, see the
DFSORT Application Programming
, SC33-4035.
The following topics are discussed:
19.1, JCL Statements
19.2, Control Statements
19.3, Additional DFSORT/VSE Migration Considerations
19.1 JCL Statements
As discussed in Chapter 4, “Job Control Language (JCL) Differences and
Considerations” on page 69, the JCL for OS/390 is quite different from that for
VSE. You will need to replace your VSE JCL statements with appropriate OS/390
JCL statements. Every DFSORT job requires a JOB statement and an EXEC
statement. DFSORT jobs also require specific DD statements which depend on
the type of application being run (sort, merge or copy) as well as specific
features you want to use for the job.
A basic DFSORT job might look as follows:
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