Using SDSF for System Operation
Below is the Primary Option Menu for SDSF showing you the basic panels you
can use as a full-screen system operator.
HQX1800 ----------------- SDSF PRIMARY OPTION MENU -------------------------
LOG - Display the system log
DA - Display active users in the sysplex
I - Display jobs in the JES2 input queue
O - Display jobs in the JES2 output queue
H - Display jobs in the JES2 held output queue
ST - Display status of jobs in the JES2 queues
PR - Display JES2 printers on this system
PUN - Display JES2 punches on this system
RDR - Display JES2 readers on this system
INIT - Display JES2 initiators on this system
MAS - Display JES2 members in the MAS
LINE - Display JES2 lines on this system
NODE - Display JES2 nodes on this system
SO - Display JES2 spool offload for this system
ULOG - Display user session log
Displaying the system log is handy because you can scroll back and forth and
search for text strings. There are several panels to display jobs and output,
which can show you the backlog of work for initiators, printers, and transmitters.
There are also panels for JES2 devices such as printers, punches, readers, lines,
nodes, members, spool offload devices, and other JES2 resources.
You can issue MVS and JES2 operator commands from the command line, and
many panels support simple action characters and over-typeable fields for JES2
devices and parameters.
Each of these panels provide simple action commands (modeled after the JES2
command verbs) to control the work such as: B-Backspace, C-Cancel, D-Display,
E-Restart, F-Forward, I-Interrupt, N-Repeat, P-Stop, S-Start, and Z-Halt.
SDSF has online HELP panels, a Tutorial, and can link to online (softcopy) books
on BookManager READ/MVS for Messages.
28.2.4 Understanding Message Formats and Replies
OS/390 MVS System Messages, Volumes 1 to 5
, GC28-1784 thru GC28-1788
for detail message descriptions. The front of each book also describes the
general format of MVS messages.
To reply to a WTOR (Write To Operator with Reply), you can either enter
R nn,
′ or use the short form and type the one or two-digit reply ID followed
by the reply. For example, to reply ″U″ to a WTOR with the ID=07, you can either
enter ″R 07,′U′″, or you can enter ″7u″.
The short form is not available when JES2 is not up unless you specify
CON=NOJES3 in the IEASYSnn member of parmlib.
446 VSE to OS/390 Migration Workbook