2.4 Who is Affected by This Migration?
2.4.1 Job Roles and Normal Activities
The following table which lists job roles and activities is intended to link specific
activities to the appropriate job role. As such, it is also intended to act as an aid
in determining the impact of the migration project on the various I/S functions.
For example, assigning skills development to application program development
and data center operations is useful when developing the education plan for the
migration project. This will take into account the timing of who will get education
and when.
1. Procedures
Run Book
2. Standards
New Programs
Naming Conventions
3. Skills Development
4. New Tools - Application Development
Table 2. Who
s Normal Activities are Affected?
Roles Activities
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
Application Program
* * * *
Applications End-Users *
Auditor *
Data Center Operations * * *
Help Desk *
Management * * *
Network Support Staff *
Performance Analyst *
Production Control * *
Quality and Testing *
RJE End-Users & Operations * *
Systems Programmers * * * * *
26 VSE to OS/390 Migration Workbook