Job Information Services
Current Job Identification
If you have code that is called by an MVS application,
you can obtain information about the job currently
running in an address space with the IAZXJSAB macro.
You can retrieve information such as:
Name of the subsystem that scheduled the job
Job identifier
Job name
User ID associated with the job
Time when the job started running
JES status of the job
OS/390 MVS Auth Assm Services Reference
, GC28-1765 for details.
Checkpoint Versions Subsystem Interface (SSI) function code 71 - the ″job
information service″ provides an interface to acquire
data from a copy of the checkpoint data. This allows
you to find out about any job in the system known to
JES2. See Appendix D in
JES2 Multi-Access Spool in a
Sysplex Environment
, GG66-3263 for details.
Extended Status
Subsystem Interface (SSI) function code 80. This is an
improved form of the STATUS SSI (function code 3).
Using the Subsystem Interface
Output Retrieval
Use the SYSOUT Application Programming Interface (SSI
function code 79) to retrieve output from JES2. This is an
improved version of the PSO SSI (function code 1). See
Using the Subsystem Interface
Spool Data Set Browse Use this to dynamically allocate a spool data set and
use standard I/O macros to read the file. See
MVS Auth Assembler Services Guide
, GC28-1763.
Sample FSS
Use this as a model when writing your own Functional
SubSystem, or as a tool for testing JES2 FSS printing.
OS/390 Using the Functional Subsystem Interface
Other Interfaces
Cancel Job You can cancel a job with SSI function code 2. See the
″SSCS″ mapping DSECT in the
OS/390 MVS Data Areas,
, SY28-1168.
Available in OS/390 Release 3.
222 VSE to OS/390 Migration Workbook