Data Transfer and NJE
You will want to set up an NJE connection between the two systems for remote
job submission and for routing print files or bulk data between the two systems.
Use the same communication controllers, real Channel to Channel adapter (CTC)
controlled by VTAM or virtual CTCs. You have several choices with ESCON
CTCs, virtual CTCs under VM, and 3088s.
See, “Providing NJE Connection to the OS/390 System” on page 415.
We recommend NJE for job submission, spool file and printer transfer, and
disk/tape for file transfer and VTAM cross domain for terminal access.
25.3 Order and Install the OS/390 Software
As with VSE, there are several options available for you to order your OS/390
system and install it. Some assume that you already have a running OS/390
system, while others provide a ″starter system.″ Some are ″entitled″ or included
with the price of the OS/390 software, while others are ″fee-based″, and include
on-site IBM assistance, and integrate ISV (Independent Software Vendor)
products on your system.
In general, we recommend the SoftwareXcel Installation Express (SIE) for the US
customers migrating to OS/390, and full volume dump format SystemPac for the
non-US customers.
OS/390 Planning for Installation
, GC28-1726 is your primary reference book for
this. Although it is oriented towards ServerPac, Chapter F ″Checklist of
Installation Procedures″ provides an excellent list of planning activities. Each of
the following installation options includes its own planning materials. You can
obtain on-site assistance with some of the offerings, or separately.
Note: Not all options are available in all countries! Refer to the most recent IBM
Announcement Letters or your IBM representative for details.
25.3.1 Fee-based Methods of Installing OS/390
For the first-time OS/390 user, you should consider one of the following
fee-based IBM services. SoftwareXcel Installation Express (SIE)
This is an IBM US offering which provides pre-built OS/390 system packages in
full volume dump format, tailored to customer hardware and software
configurations. SIE includes on-site planning, installation, and package testing by
an experienced IBM Technical Representative. You can also obtain a
compatibility research report and selected non-IBM software products integrated
into the system package.
Contact your local IBM Representative for more information.
Chapter 25. Prepare the Migration Environment 405