34.3 Inventory
1500 COBOL programs - mix of DOS/VS COBOL and COBOL II
2600 RPG programs
80 Assembler programs
8000 JCL steps
34.4 Resources
In this project it was sometimes hard to get the various groups to focus on the
migration when needed. This was because of other priorities with day to day
problems and projects. This is not all that uncommon, especially in a growing
organization. This however, needs to be monitored closely or delays in the
project will result.
Systems programmers
Three systems programmers on VSE. An experienced MVS systems
programmer was hired at project start. One VSE/VM systems
programmer worked almost exclusively on VM/VSE until near switchover
(normal ongoing VM/VSE support). One other programmer split time
between VSE and MVS. The new MVS systems programmer spent full
time on MVS.
Two database administrators/programmers. Both split time between VSE
and MVS.
Application programmers
Two applications programmers were used with primary focus on the MVS
project in the early stages of the project. These people would draw on
other resources in their group as needed (for example, during testing).
As the levels of testing progressed so did the number of application
programmers required.
Early in the project there was not much involvement from the operations
group as the systems support group performed many of those functions.
There was some involvement from some of the key operations people
during planning phases. As the project progressed there was more
involvement from operations.
A second line manager took the responsibilities of project manager.
Although much of his time was spent on normal day to day
responsibilities, the majority of his time was devoted to managing this
IBM Global Services teamed with Automated Migration Services for
overall project management and to actually perform the migration. IBM
also performed various systems programming tasks as required. In
addition, ISV vendors were contracted during various phases of the
project to perform customization/education of their products.
530 VSE to OS/390 Migration Workbook