Appendix A. Education Information
The task of providing the right training, to the right people, at the right time, at
the right location is a small project of its own. There are many variables to
consider, including costs, not the smallest of which is simply determining if a
particular course is available. A good training plan will be the right balance of
these elements based on the needs of the installation.
The one thing that holds true for all migrating installations is that each
installation has unique training needs. In addition to unique products and
programs, the training and experience of operations, application development
and systems programming personnel are different. The training plan will be
different for a new hire than for a seasoned veteran or journeyman skill.
The major elements to be considered in planning for the education needed for
your installation during a migration are:
What training is needed and what courses are available
When are courses scheduled and when are they needed during the migration
Who will provide the training
Where the training will take place
A.1 What Training is Needed and What Training Courses are Available
A.1.1 OS/390 Classes
Here are some of the key OS/390 classes from the IBM E&T Web page
Introduction to OS/390
OS/390 Facilities
Fundamental System Skills in OS/390
System Operations for OS/390
CMOS Complex Systems Availability and Recovery
S/390 Hardware Management Console (HMC) Operations
S/390 Multiprise 2000 External Support Element (SE) Operations
OS/390 Installation
Using ServerPac to Install OS/390
MVS Job Control Language and Utilities
MVS VSAM and Access Method Services
Transition from MVS/ESA to OS/390
Automation Using System Automation for OS/390
Measurement and Tuning for MVS/ESA Version 5 and OS/390
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