Table 23. POWER Exit to JES2 Exits
Description JES2 Exit Comment
JOBEXIT Job input - Scan JCL & JECL
(POWER exits allow access to
SYSOUT data.)
JOB statement scan
JOB accounting field
Other JCL & JECL
(No access to SYSIN data.)
NETEXIT Input from NJE node EXIT(47) NJE Headers Received
(No access to SYSIN or
SYSOUT data.)
OUTEXIT Output to printer or punch
(POWER exits allow access to
SYSOUT data.)
Job Separator
Data Set Separator
(No access to SYSIN or
SYSOUT data.)
XMTEXIT Output to an NJE node EXIT(46) NJE Headers Transmitted
(No access to SYSIN or
SYSOUT data.) Source Code Modifications
Most JES2 modules are distributed in source form and can be modified to meet
specific customer needs, though this is not recommended by IBM. It is
sometimes easier to modify the JES2 source code than accomplish the same
thing through exits. The JES2 Patching Facility
Patch and AMASPZAP statements can be used to make minor and temporary
modifications to the JES2 object code until JES2 is restarted by directly replacing
the changed code. The JES2 Patching Facility changes only the memory copy of
data; the copy residing on DASD (for example, LPA) cannot be replaced.
For details and precautions, see the section entitled ″The JES2 Patching Facility″
in Chapter 1 of the
JES2 Initialization and Tuning Guide
10.4.3 POWER-JES2 Command Equivalences
There are major differences between JES2 and POWER. This section will
compare the products from a different perspective, that of the central operator.
Through the migration, the functional role of the operator will remain the same.
Therefore the most often asked questions by the central operator will be the
1. How do I do a certain function?
2. In POWER, I used ′xyz′ command. What command do I use in JES2?
The following figure gives an overview of POWER commands and the JES2
equivalent. See
OS/390 JES2 Commands
VSE/POWER Administration and
for details.
Chapter 10. POWER and JES2 231