handling output from CICS dumps.
handling output from CICS trace.
handling output from CICS statistics.
problem determination.
restart and recovery requirements.
security administration.
application of software services.
Identify and understand the different IBM and vendors support structures and
procedures. You should have available:
personal names of your contact points
telephone numbers
Therefore, you should see that your system management procedures are
updated. The following manuals
CICS Operations and Utilities Guide
, SC33-1167,
s Handbook
, SX33-6104,
CICS Messages and Codes
, GC33-1694,
GC33-1705, and
CICS Problem Determination Guide
, GC33-1693 should
be used during these periods.
6.1.15 Vendor Applications
In CICS Transaction Server for OS/390, the autoinstall user program invoked for
installation and deletion of virtual terminals is used by the External Presentation
Interface (EPI) and terminal emulator functions of the CICS Clients products.
They are defined to CICS as remote 3270 devices. You should be sure your
vendor products will work with the supported autoinstall program.
For an introduction to the CICS Clients products, and detailed information about
OS/390 support for them, see the
CICS/ESA Server Support for CICS Clients
Customers should be advised to contact the suppliers of any third-party software
used with CICS to ensure that the supplied packages will run with CICS
Transaction Server for OS/390.
6.2 CICS with DL/I
The CICS TS - IMS/VS interface is implemented differently than the CICS/VSE -
DL/I interface.
If you are a CICS local DL/I user you must plan to migrate your databases to
DBCTL. Alternatively, you can use CICS function shipping to CICS/VSE DL/I data
sets. These are the only two methods of DL/I database access that CICS
continues to support.
For information about migrating to DBCTL see the
CICS IMS Database Control
154 VSE to OS/390 Migration Workbook