Byte Bit Byte Bit
Wrong-length record 0 1 2 1
Nondata transfer error 0 2 2 6
Space not found on track 0 4 2 2
Reference outside extents of data set or file 0 7 3 3
Data check in count area 1 0 2 4
Track overrun 1 1 ** **
End-of-cylinder 1 2 ** **
Data check when reading key or data 1 3 2 4
Record not found 1 4 2 B
End-of-file 1 5 2 5
End-of-volume 1 6
Invalid request * 2 3
Uncorrectable error other that I/O * 2 6
Read with exclusive control not preceded by
write with exclusive control * 2 7
WRITE macro used when DCB specified input * 3 1
Extended search specified with DCB IIMCT = 8 * 3 2
WRITE Mith ID addressed RO * 3 4
Key was specified as search argument when
KEYLEM = 8 or no key address was given * 3 5
Request for options not in the DCB * 3 6
Attempt to add fixed-length record with key
beginning with hex ′ FF′. *3 7
* These errors are not included in the VSE exception codes.
** These conditions do not occur under MVS.
Figure 41. VSE Error Bytes and MVS Exception Code Bits
READ Macro
1. TYPE - DI, DIF, DIX, DK, DKF, or DKX. R or RU can be suffixed to the type
code only if spanned records are being processed. R signifies that the
system is to return the relative track address of the next data record in the
area specified by the next address operand. RU signifies that the system is
to return the relative track address of either the next capacity record (R0) or
data record, whichever occurs first. If R or RU is used, you must code the
length operand as ′S′.
2. ′S′ - system will supply the operand if you specify ′S′.
VSE READ filename , KEY
(1) ID
ecbname,type, R , dcbaddress ,
RU (2-12)
area address , length
(2-12) (2-12)
′ S′′S′
keyaddress , blockaddress , next address
(2-12) (2-12) (2-12)
′ S′
Chapter 13. Assembler 313