Two Phase Approach
The migration project can be broken into a few logical pieces that may help its
execution. One method that has been successful is to begin with a mini project,
phase 1, to identify and resolve your inventory. Proceeding with a known
inventory will allow more precise cost analysis (time, people resources and so
on). The cost of a conversion is based on inventory. It also provides information
about the effort that may be required to recreate source materials. There are
tools and service providers that perform these services. The second phase is the
actual implementation.
The Phase 1 output is also a standalone deliverable that can be very useful for
Year 2000 preparation.
32.1.4 Assumptions
For the purposes of providing more specific guidance for conversion projects, an
approach to the migration had to be determined. This is also true for the
migration effort itself, an approach must be adopted. The topics discussed in the
Conversion and Implementation Phases of this chapter required that a choice
was made. In these discussions, we will describe the environment associated
with using Mass Conversion methods and tools. More specifically, the Cortex
Migration System (MS) methods and tools will be used.
32.2 Mass Conversion - Background, Benefits and Method
32.2.1 IBM MVS Migration System - Background
The IBM MVS Migration System (MVS-MS) was a conversion aid IBM licensed
and sold in the mid 1980s through the mid 1990s that consisted of both a
conversion method and a conversion tool.
IBM licensed this conversion aid from SISRO and sold it as the IBM MVS
Migration System. When sold through SISRO the aid was, and is known as the
Cortex Migration System (Cortex MS). Remote support (via telephone) for MVS
MS and Cortex MS was and is performed by SISRO for the Americas and by
SISRO SA for the rest of the world.
IBM stopped licensing the Cortex tool in the mid 1990s. Although there have
been many changes to the MVS and VSE operating systems and improvements
to the conversion tool, the methodology of planning and execution of the
conversion has not changed significantly. Today, the Cortex MS tool remains
available from Sisro Inc..
A collection of documents including the
MVS-MS Planning Guide
and the
MVS-MS General Information Manual
was produced by IBM to facilitate the
planning and execution of migrating from VSE to MVS. These manuals are
available through IBM.
486 VSE to OS/390 Migration Workbook