Bit 0 SYSIPT overrides yes or no. All overrides are passed as
execution parameters to DFHSIP.
Bit 1 This is no longer required for
CICS/OS or CICS/VSE 1.6 or later.
Bit 2 Operator prompt for overrides yes
or no.
The parameter ′CONSOLE′ as the
last PARM in the EXEC statement
indicates that the operator is to
be requested to enter overrides.
Bit 3 If Dump returns a nonzero return
code when writing to the
SYSDUMP data set and an IDUMP
will be produced on SYSLST.
CICS/MVS DUMP is directed to
MVS SYS1.DUMxx only.
Bits 4-5 Are not currently used.
Bits 6-7 Reserved for DL/I. Not required for IMS.
6.1.12 Application Programming
Command-level programs are upward compatible at both source and object
level, provided they conform to the interface as defined in the Application
Programmer′s Reference manual. However, it is imperative that you understand
upward compatible does not constitute that your program will continue to run on
your CICS/VSE system (that is, programs reassembled and linkedited to CICS TS
are not guaranteed to run on CICS/VSE). Hence, you should be sure that your
System Management/Change Management and Roll-back plan accounts for this
1. CICS 1.7 applications can be relinkedited on MVS, but you should not expect
the programs to function (consider recompiling programs).
2. DOS PL/I applications do not function on MVS, hence you should consider
rewriting DOS PL/I to a PL/I supported level.
Macro-level programs are not supported on MVS. You can convert your
macro-level programs to command-level using the CICS AMA conversion aid to
assist with the conversion.
CICS programs written with LE support are generally object module compatible
between VSE/ESA and OS/390. However, there are some commands where
CVDA/REP values are different, thus retranslation, recompile is necessary. CICS
command-level (non-LE) programs which have adhered to the CICS documented
Application Programming Interfaces (API) are generally source compatible
between VSE/ESA and OS/390.
Source programming conversion should be minimal with only language
differences to be resolved, such as COBOL reserved words. The presence of any
of the following conditions may substantially increase the effort:
Programs that start a BROWSE operation, then read for UPDATE. For a file
accessed in non-RLS mode, CICS should return an INVREQ condition.
Updating and deleting records in a browse is only supported for VSAM files
opened in RLS mode.
EXEC CICS ADDRESS CSA commands are no longer supported.
150 VSE to OS/390 Migration Workbook