IBM′s comprehensive testing does not replace the need for this testing in your
own environment. Here are some sample steps copied from the OS/390
Initialize the system (IPL)
Initialize JES2
Log on to TSO/E
Run the installation verification programs (IVPs)
Submit a job and check its output
Sign on to a terminal with CICS or IMS and initialize a region
Submit a CICS or IMS transaction and look at the results
Run a complex application with known data and measure its elapsed
time and resources
Check for completeness of accounting records
Test non-IBM product functions
IVP jobs are listed in your CustomPac documentation, or in
OS/390 Planning for
. This list is not complete and should be tailored for each installation
based on the importance of each function, likelihood of errors, and expanded as
experience dictates. Applying Preventive Service
You should update your OS/390 service level to a fairly current level and run
through one more verification test before you switch your production over to it.
This is especially true if the migration project was long, and you have not been
applying maintenance on a regular schedule.
MVS Recommended Service Upgrade (MVS/RSU) is a preventive service
philosophy for all OS/390 and MVS products. MVS/RSU reduces the volume of
PTFs you must apply for preventive maintenance and reduces the chance of
encountering a PTF in error (PE), resulting in a more stable system.
IBM recommends that you APPLY all MVS/RSU PTFs on your OS/390 system.
However, the customer must make the final decision as to what service will be
CustomPac offerings (that is, SystemPac, FunctionPac, ProductPac, and
ServicePac) will continue to follow the current CustomPac Service philosophy
based on PUT levels combined with RSU levels.
See the
OS/390 Software Management Cookbook
, SG24-4775. Providing Terminal Access to the OS/390 System
You can connect the VTAM subareas in the VSE and OS/390 systems together
and use cross domain resource sharing to access OS/390 applications from
terminals connected to your VSE system (or vice versa). See Chapter 16
″Implementing a Subarea Network″ in
VTAM Network Implementation Guide
GC31-8370 for details.
See also the samples provided in
IBM Network Products Implementation Guide
414 VSE to OS/390 Migration Workbook