Mass conversion - (Cortex-MS)
Program inventory - (IBM OPTI-AUDIT)
2.6 Educational Requirements
2.6.1 Introduction
The educational requirements for the migration project will generally take the
form of developing OS/390 skills; that is, JCL and conversion techniques. With
the latter, strategies will have to be developed to convert things such as VSE
program source and JCL to OS/390. Education can take on the form of
classroom, self-study, on the job training, on-site, or feet to the fire. The latter
being the most undesirable. Consideration should be given to issues such as
the availability, cost, length and appropriateness of each. For example,
classroom course schedules need to be consulted to determine whether they
coincide with project timetables. Cost issues of travel and living expenses need
to be also considered. When considering outside consultants for in-house
training, they can often tailor classes to specific requirements allowing you to
get the most out of this type of education. A list of helpful courses and how to
get more course information has been included in Appendix A, “Education
Information” on page 535 in this publication.
Highlighted are some of the educational requirements for the key functional
areas. System Programming
Education for systems programming personnel will generally include OS/390
installation and tailoring, problem determination and maintenance. Similar
education will be required for those with subsystem (for example, CICS or DB/2)
responsibility. Another source of education is the hands-on education that occurs
when OS/390 is initially installed and before it is put to any kind of productive
use. Such hands-on experience has often proven invaluable. Application Programming
Application programming resources will most likely focus on JCL and program
development tools for the OS/390 environment. Although there is a high degree
of affinity/compatibility between the various programming languages in VSE and
OS/390, some education will be needed to understand the functional and
compatibility differences that do exist. Operations
OS/390 console operations will be the main education requirement for the
operations staff. Courses on OS/390 and JES commands will be the most
crucial. Consideration should also be given to education on any scheduling,
console automation and/or systems management products that will be used.
Operations personnel will also need to be updated on any new procedural
and/or process changes.
Chapter 2. Sizing the Effort 31